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Arr. Prelude BWV 1012 by J.S. Bach – MSA 0320997
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I created this website for my students of music academy and conservatory. You will find here not only a spectrum of solo and ensemble guitar pieces from early music through classic, romantic, jazz to contemporary music with live electronics, also concerts, but above all a lot of innovative content regarding tips, arranging, composition and decomposition, audio and video production, presentation of useful tools, comparisons, tutorials, lessons for beginners, technical tricks, videos of my students, ideas for professional guitarists, interviews, podcasts and a series of videos regarding health for classical guitarists.

Guitar Performance
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Creativ Studio
Latest Albums & Publications
Arr. Sonata K.146 by D. Scarlatti - MSA 0320998
Arr. Prelude D-dur, BWV 1012 by J.S. Bach - MSA 0320997
Arr. Sonata K.32 by D. Scarlatti - MSA 0120999
Spanish Guitar Encores - Michal Stanikowski
Sonates a Deux Violes - Georg Noeldecke & Rahel Klein
Who we are?
Guitar Youtube Channel with Music videos on concert guitar + educational content like tipps, new arrangements, creative content and everything that belongs to the world of classical guitar from guitarists, producers and teachers.
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